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Hi. - My name is Rachel Hall

Hi. A busy bee and creative enthusiast at heart. I cook, paint, write, and take photos all on a mom’s schedule.  I want to take you with me on my endeavors. Show my thoughts and tips on making a recipe successful. Let’s no pretend here, it’s also to keep myself from saying, “how did I make that again?”

You will find recipes on the spectrum between healthy and sinfully not healthy. As I tell my kids, it’s all about balance. You’ll find an upscaled classic or a unique dish for a cookout, weeknight meal planning ideas, or weekend baking projects. Also, dabbled in here is a little of my creativity process, things I’m reading about and my inspirations. Hopefully, with this blog I can inspire you to get out there and get your own hands making.

I always get frustrated when someone says, “oh I’m not good at that stuff. “Have you ever met a kindergartener that couldn’t pick up crayons and color a picture. It’s in there inside you. Let’s not fuss over perfection. It’s about the journey and the feelings you have when you are done. If you really enjoyed it, like oh that my thing. Keep going, you might surprise yourself. Like the latest hot yoga class, it’s good for your brain, your mental state. Heck it’s just darn fun, life is too short to not throw in some creative expression. You’ll be surprised how taking a little time for yourself can make you feel. Also, if your family is like mine, they really support my baking hobby.

Back to the mom schedule. I have two boys, Clark and Louie, in grade school and a newborn baby girl, Flora. Some days I do well to keep my head above water, but I strive for those good days. Where supper is on the table, the house is in decent order, and at some point, I was able to express and challenge myself one way or another.

I come from the rolling hills of Kentucky. Where I roamed in the woods and played in the dirt as a child. Now an adult, driving, I notice the weeds lining the road telling the story of the season, the sun sitting perfectly in the sky, hitting the landscape in front of me, colors all aglow. I am calm and present, grateful for the day. Come with me, lets make it sunny.


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