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  • Rachel Hall


Wild and prickly thistle grows. You could rush by and just see weeds in a field or stop if only for a few moments and find a much deeper meaning.

Life is what take out of it.

Thistle grows wild and can be a farmer’s nightmare. Yet their bold color adds so much to a landscape. I felt it a metaphor for life. It’s hard and sometimes hurts. If you step back and look at it though it can be such a beautiful thing. In life you need to learn to appreciate even the prickly parts.

Thistle is the national symbol of Scotland

For Scotland Thistle represents bravery, strength and determination.

As legend goes, an invading Viking clan was attempting to sneak up at night upon a Scottish army's encampment. During this operation one barefoot Norseman had the misfortune to step upon a thistle, causing him to cry out in pain, thus alerting Scots.

I didn’t really know that it was such a monument for so many before doing the painting. In fact, my mom who grew up on a farm, thought it was crazy that I’d paint thistle. I just found the irony in them fascinating. So unique and beautiful, but about the worse thing in the world to step on or touch. There are lessons to learn in nature, if you just stop and look…and if not, you could end up like that poor Viking that hurt his foot.

He that has a good harvest must be able to endure a few thistles. - Spanish proverb

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